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Sergey Zavyalov

Sergey Zavyalov (18 may 1958 Tsarskoye Selo near St. Petersburg) was born into a family that originated from Mordovia, from 1970 to 2004 he lived in St. Petersburg. In 1985 he graduated in classical philology, Leningrad State University. Between 1988 and 2004 Zavyalov taught Greek, Latin and classical literature at high school and university level. In 2004 he emigrated to Finland; and has lived in Winterthur (Switzerland) since 2011.
Zavyalov’s first published poems appeared in Leningrad Samizdat. In the 1980s he was a member of the creative group Club-81 (a kind of Leningrad union of writers, an alternative to the union of Soviet writers).
Andrei Bely prize (2015), Premio Ceppo Internazionale Piero Bigongiari (2016).
Brief bibliography
In Russian (Сергей Завьялов)
Оды и эподы. – СПб.: Борей-Art, 1994. – 64 с. ISBN 5-7187-0118-0
Мелика. – М.: Арго-Риск, 1998. – 35 с. ISBN 5-900506-78-9
Мелика. – М.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2003. – 173 с. ISBN 5-86793-267-2
Речи. – М.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2010. –122 с. ISBN 978-5-86793-807-9
Советские кантаты. – СПб.: Альманах Транслит / Свободное марксистское издательство, 2015. – 44 с.
Стихотворения и поэмы 1993–2017 – М.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2018. – 282 с. ISBN 978-5-4448-0733-0
Оды 1984–1990 – СПб / М.: Пальмира / Rugram, 2022. – 184 с. ISBN 978-5-517-02836-5
In English (Sergey Zavyalov)
Advent, Leningrad 1941. Translated by graduate students of the Herzen Institute, St. Petersburg. Edited by Peter McCarey. – Geneva: Molecular Press, 2017. – 64 p.
ISBN 978-2-9700376-4-4
Crossing Centuries: The New Generation in Russian Poetry. – Jersey City, NJ: Talisman, 2000. — ISBN 1-883689-89-9
Essay & Two Poems (Translated by Thomas Epstein & Simona Schneider) // Aufgabe (NY) № 8, 2009. — ISBN 978-1-933959-09-2
Four Good News Stories. With an introduction by translator Eugene Ostashevsky. // Jacket 2 (Philadelphia, PA, 2023). Zavyalov’s poetry has also been translated and published in Erzya-Mordvinic, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Latvian, Serbian and Swedish.